Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cobb Salad

This place makes the best Cobb salad.I'm not sure if the person behind the counter is a man or a woman. I wish they wore name tags. With my luck, his/her name is Leslie, anyhow.
- Lana

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I wait for the bus on this corner every work day. It's bleak and depressing. I've seen lots of ugliness here: fights, public drunkenness, people vomiting, public drug use by young people with children. On the flip side, it's also just a few hundred yards from beautiful Ocean Beach, and there are often surfers and nice old ladies.

Monday, January 28, 2013


So, this is a thing for buskers, these days. Play some nice, prerecorded music over a loudspeaker and once in a while, play a few notes on an instrument. The notes may or may not have anything to do with the music. You may or may not know how to actually play said instrument. This is a thing.
- Lana


One thing I love about cities is that one gets to see people doing all sorts of work. What constitutes "work" for me is so different than it is for other people. Most of my "work" involves writing and thinking. These guys break their backs for the rest of us. Thank God for them.
- Lana

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Still in Hollywood

We were in Hollywood this afternoon, so I took a minor detour home so I could :60 the Hollywood Sign.

- Kristine Phoenix-Artinian

Walking in the Snow

I was following my husband and kid in the snow as we walked to the car in the alley. We live in Chicago, and it had snowed earlier in the day.

- Kate Dever

Saturday, January 26, 2013


My daughter just woke up from a very long nap, and she was in a pretty good mood. She started making this face that looks a lot like a toothless old man this week, and "Uh-oh" is the only thing she says on request. It's new.
-Kate Dever

Winter drive

On my way home from picking up a pizza.
- Faith Anderson

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sunny's Snowy Street.

First real snow of the winter. looked outside to see my girl shoveling the neighborhood.
- Keara Giannotti

Mango Candy

My sister, mother, and daughter are trying out Mexican candy that was sent to us by a friend in NYC.
- Kate Dever

Ham Salad and Lays Potato Chips

I've seen Tyson and Tim on this corner since 2006, when I first started working here. We talk just about every day. They're more neighbors to me than anyone who lives in my building. Really decent guys. I asked if I could include them, since they're definitely part of my day. They were happy to oblige.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I forgot that I took my stove apart to clean it, last night.  Had to scramble (no pun intended) to get two burners up and running just so I could make breakfast. I make the best poached eggs. Stovetop coffee is the only way to go.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

After-School Skating

Tuesday is the day to skate. There's almost no one there.
- Krisinte Phoenix-Artinian

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Strange Bedfellows

My husband never believes me that these two are affectionate to each other most of the time. 
Also I listen to the Ramones on loop while I'm cleaning.  I think the cats like it too.  

- Angela Ganley

Monday, January 21, 2013

Laundry Day

I don't separate darks, lights, and colors, and my stuff never bleeds or fades. 
- Lana

Lady Gaga

That chicken-looking thing is a giant vagina that gave birth to everyone on the stage.
-Kristine Phoenix-Artinian

Sunday, January 20, 2013

One Person's Trash.... my SCORE.
Kid 1 got a new roadside desk last week. Kid 2 was very envious.
The universe was listening and proffered this today.
- Kristine Phoenix-Artinian

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Riding to Walgreen's

Everything is at least a bus ride away from me. Running out of rubber cement in the middle of a project meant taking two buses into "town." At least it's mostly a scenic ride.
-Lana Nieves

Nobody walks in L.A.?

I just walked from the car, didn't I?
- Kristine Phoenix-Artinian

Friday, January 18, 2013

Digby doing laps

This is Digby AFTER his walk.  He's a handful.
-Faith Anderson

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Piano Time

- Kristine Phoenix-Artinian

Child Doing Homework

It's almost 10 pm and she's hashing out her essay on teens and adults sharing responsibility for their technology habits.  She knew she was on camera, and she keeps getting livelier.  The half hour nap before she started knocking this out has helped.
- Angel Zobel-Rodriguez

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Walking Digby

Morning walk with Digby past some cool houses. Chilly but nice.

- Faith Anderson

Traffic Was a Bear

One minute of a one a.m. return home commute in Montpelier, Vermont, January 16, 2013.

- Peter Kadlec

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lake Merced

The first leg of my commute to work is mostly very scenic. It's not a bad way to start the morning.
- Lana Nieves


-Kristine Phoenix-Artinian
No description available

Monday, January 14, 2013

Morning One, and A Cat

Pat Kiernan is a NYC treasure, I can't say the same for my cat or the traffic reporter.
The subway has never rocked or rolled that I can recall. The cat's still my favorite though.

- Angel Ganley

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I love getting to the theatre early before the show. So many possibilities.

- Jim Cej

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Girl and Her Dog

Child is feeling better--enough to get Dixie to try a few tricks for the camera.
Dixie's a rescue, and spends most of the day sleeping, but seems to get pretty excited about food.

- Angel Zobel-Rodriguez

Sounds From The Back Seat

It's better than fighting.
-Kristine Phoenix-Artinian

Friday, January 11, 2013

Goddard in the Morning

This is me going to get a third cup of coffee this morning. Winter in Plainfield, Vermont. I am now sufficiently caffeinated.

- Gerard Holmes

Lana's note: Be still, my heart. I love this campus and miss it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


This is dinner, tonight. Smashed potatoes, blackened catfish, and broccoli.  Both my husband and my daughter are sick, and he spent the entire day downstairs trying to stay away from me.  And the kid had school then orchestra.  By the time she got home, I just wanted to spend time with them, sick or not.
- Angel Zobel-Rodriguez

Morning Commute to the City of Dreams

My drive into the glamorous shit hole known as Atlantic City.
 Sometimes it even smells like a rotten eggs & dead fish.
- Tamara Talavera

Morning Ritual

"I'm not getting up til 7:30."
 "You're gonna be cutting it close."
"I'm good at that."
"Well I'm gonna make coffee."
Also, I need to buy more Bustelo.
- Angela Ganley

Wednesday, January 9, 2013